Second Louisiana state lawmaker switches parties to Republican

 September 19, 2023

A second Louisiana state lawmaker has now switched parties from Democrat to Republican, adding to the supermajority that was achieved in that state after the first lawmaker switched parties back in March. 

Rep. Jeremy LaCombe implied on X that he was switching parties because of Democrats' support for transgender bathroom and sports policies as well as support for children's rights to have transgender medical procedures and treatment.

He appeared in a video posted to X with his young daughter, saying that he would "do anything to protect" her.

Building the supermajority

Rep. Francis Thompson of Delhi switched to the GOP in March to give Louisiana a supermajority to override vetos of legislation by Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards.

With the switch of LaCombe to the Republican party, Republicans now have a vote to spare in any attempts to override vetos.

With the switch of Tricia Cotham in South Carolina, there are now two states that have gained Republican supermajorities since the 2022 midterm elections.

Nineteen states have Republican supermajorities and nine have Democrat ones, more than in previous years.

Democrats in trouble

These switches are not helping the morale of the Democrat party amid low poll numbers for both members of the top of the ticket, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden has struggled to deal with the economy after spending an extra $5 trillion on COVID and other priorities, and has been criticized for letting 7 million illegal immigrants into the country.

He now faces an impeachment inquiry as Republicans try to determine whether he and other family members took bribes from foreign business entities and lied about it.

Biden has grown so weak that Washington Post writer David Ignatius finally said what most Democrat voters have been thinking since at least July--Biden should retire at the end of his term.

Too old

Ignatius pointed out that 77% of voters including 69% of Democrats think Biden is too old to be president, even though he is currently the party's frontrunner for the nomination.

The time may be coming for a hard decision to be made if Democrats don't want to be humiliated in 2024.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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