Sen. Scott booed by audience of 'The View' for mention of children being 'indoctrinated' by the 'radical Left'

 June 6, 2023

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), who recently launched a 2024 presidential campaign, appeared on "The View" on Monday and held his own in clashes with the show's panel of liberal co-hosts on a number of issues.

During one point of the discussion, however, the conservative senator was loudly booed by the live studio audience after he mentioned how American children were being "indoctrinated" by the ideological far-left, the Washington Examiner reported.

Somewhat surprisingly, though, and to her credit, co-host Whoopi Goldberg swiftly intervened to halt the crowd's negative reaction that drowned out what Sen. Scott was attempting to say.

Scott booed by "The View" audience

Sen. Scott was asked by co-host Ana Navarro about the escalating feud between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and Disney that was sparked last year with the passage of a bill that limited what schools and teachers could say to young elementary students about gender identity and sexual orientation, which the media falsely labeled as the "Don't Say Gay" bill.

Navarro asked specifically if Republicans were going "too far" on culture war issues, to which Scott replied, "I don’t think that Republicans are going too far, some of the issues that you’re underlining. The truth of the matter is that when you look at what’s gone too far in the corporate culture is, in my opinion, the radical Left making decisions to take stands against issues like the George state election law."

The co-host then asked if the senator believed that Disney was part of the radical Left, and though Scott dodged a direct answer to that question, he said, "I think Disney and Ron have been in a combat zone for a number of months over what I thought was the right issue as it relates to our young kids and what they’re being indoctrinated with. I thought he started off on the right foot on that issue ..."

Goldberg silences booing audience

That is when the live studio audience began to loudly boo and drown out the remainder of Scott's reply, at least until Goldberg stepped in and silenced the crowd when she declared, "No, no, no, no. Not here -- I'm sorry sir. Do not boo. This is 'The View.' We accept we don't have to believe everything people say but you cannot boo people here, please. You cannot do it ... Please continue."

Without missing a beat, Sen. Scott continued, "So, I think protecting our kids from the indoctrination that’s happening in our culture today is an important part of the equation."

"I’d also go a step further and say, listen, from the radical Left is getting involved from a corporate perspective on a number of issues to include, which was the Georgia state law, which was supposedly the Jim Crow 2.0, and the fact of the matter is when we look at the results of the last election, what we saw was not Jim Crow 2.0. What we saw was an actual record-breaking number of African Americans not only voting, but also succeeding at the ballot box," he added.

Navarro then demanded to know if "weaponizing government against the private sector, against private businesses, for exercising their First Amendment right to say something, to have an opinion, is a conservative position," but Scott replied, "I do not," and explained, "I think the fact of the matter is that the First Amendment -- every single person should exercise their First Amendment rights. If they don’t like what’s happening with a corporation, stop shopping there."

Fox News reported that the incident on Monday with the crowd booing was not the first time that co-host Goldberg felt compelled to intervene and silence her own audience's reaction, as she also had to stop the crowd from booing Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu during a May 25 appearance on the program.

Scott debunks "systemic racism" narrative

The South Carolina senator also had a notable extended exchange with co-host Sunny Hostin about whether he was an "exception" to the "rule" of "systemic racism" in the United States.

Tellingly, Fox News noted that Scott was cut off twice in mid-answer to Hostin's questions with purportedly imminent commercial breaks, first by Goldberg and then by a producer who walked on stage, which had the effect of interrupting his train of thought and considered responses.

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