Senior Harris advisor previously called for utter destruction of Trump and 'his kind'

 September 17, 2024

David Plouffe, a top advisor to Democrat presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, called in a post on X in 2016 for the utter destruction of former President Donald Trump and "his kind" when he was in a similar role under then-President Barack Obama.

“It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again," Plouffe posted at the time.

The Trump campaign discovered the post and reposted it on Monday.

The name-calling

All kinds of invective has been hurled at Trump over the years since he became a candidate for President despite never holding office before, and was then elected in 2016.

He's been called a racist, a misogynist, a rapist, an "insurrectionist," a threat to democracy, and lots of other derogatory things.

The names he has been called were all based on conjecture and many on false narratives and accusations that have been proven unfounded.

Democrats and other Trump-haters have twisted his words, his actions, and his policies so that they resemble what they want to be true, rather than what is true.

Trump has flaws

There's no doubt Trump has his flaws.

He tweets mean tweets on a regular basis. He's as blunt as a sledgehammer when most politicians are as delicate as a thin blade.

He doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut half the time, but he loves his country and has served it at great personal expense.

He doesn't deserve the treatment he's received. In truth, Trump is a grave threat to the political status quo, and that's why Plouffe and his ilk want to destroy him.

The election is not a referendum on democracy--a political institution that has its own flaws (remember, America is actually a republic, not a democracy).

Are voters going to let Plouffe--and Harris--get away with wishing literal destruction on their political rivals? Let's hope our nation has not stooped so low.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson