Several arrests made at US Capitol, including man who snuck hammer into building

 March 10, 2024

The U.S. Capitol has been in seeming disarray since President Joe Biden's State of the Union address. 

Not only was a Gold Star father arrested for heckling the president during his address but according to NBC Washington, a man was arrested just days after the SOTU for carrying a hammer into the Capitol and becoming aggressive with law enforcement officers.

The hammer was spotted in the man's bag after it went through a security X-ray machine, prompting a scuffle that led to his arrest.

The situation escalated when a law enforcement officer at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center attempted to re-scan his backpack that contained the hammer.

What's going on?

When U.S. Capitol Police officers attempted to re-check 33-year-old Christopher Snow's bag, he reportedly became "combative," according to reports. That led to his immediate arrest.

According to the New York Post, Snow was tased by Capitol Police officers before he was arrested. USCP Captain Andrew Pecher released a statement after the incident.

"These officers did what they were trained to do and stopped this man from getting into the US Capitol," Pecher said in a statement. "Great work from the officer who spotted the hammer, to the officers who quickly took the suspect into custody."

Snow was ultimately charged with assault on a police officer, which carries serious consequences, especially given the location of the incident.

Capitol Police investigators are now investigating why Snow attempted to bring the hammer into the Capitol building.

Gold Star father arrested

Steve Nikoui, 51, father of Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, who was killed in the Kabul airport attack, was arrested during Biden's SOTU address just days before.

The Capitol Police issued a statement regarding his arrest.

"Tonight at approximately 10:15 p.m., a man disrupted the State of the Union address by yelling. Our officers warned him to stop and when he did not, the man was removed from the House Galleries and was arrested for D.C. Code § 22–1307 – Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding. Disrupting the Congress and demonstrating in the Congressional Buildings is illegal."

Nikoui was charged with a misdemeanor for his actions, which sparked backlash across social media.

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