Shocking video reveals popular singer drop dead during performance

 December 15, 2023

Brazilian musical artist Pedro Henrique died at the age of 30 after collapsing on stage during a live performance.

Henrique was singing on Wednesday night and fell ill during the middle of a song.

The incident

"Footage taken from crowd goers shows the singer interacting with the audience standing on a raised part of the stage before falling back and hitting his head," according to 7 News.

"The band behind him and other officials quickly sprang into action to assist the singer," taking him to the hospital.

Recorded live

"The incident happened Wednesday night during a religious event in Brazil, where Pedro was performing a song when he suddenly fell to the floor unconscious ... and it's all on video," TMZ revealed.

"Pedro was rushed from the concert venue to a nearby medical clinic, where he was pronounced dead ... and his record label, Todah Music, says he suffered a massive heart attack," it continued.

A tragic loss

"The performance was broadcast live on social channels. Henrique's Instagram page has 1.2 million followers," Fox News reported.

"Henrique is survived by his wife, Suilan Barreto, and their 2-month-old daughter, Zoe," it noted.

Todah Music, Henrique’s record label, later announced that the musical artist was pronounced dead after suffering a heart attack.

His music label also shared a statement following his death translated from Portuguese into English.

"There are very difficult situations in life, for which we have no explanation. We just need to understand that the will of God prevails! Peter was a cheerful young man, a friend to all… a husband and super-dedicated father. There is no pastor or Christian in Brazil who says anything different… The Christian music segment is mourning."

"Todah music family is mourning. Heaven in choir receives an illustrious son: Pedro Henrique! See you soon dear brother!!! See you all soon! May the Holy Spirit comfort you all!"

His loss has led to widespread tributes from fans across Brazil and condolences worldwide after the shocking loss of the young singer in front of a live audience.

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