Six Dems support House resolution condemning Kamala Harris's 'Border Czar failure'

 July 26, 2024

While Vice President Kamala Harris might have gotten the nod from her running mate and the party at large, she doesn't have the support of the legislative branch, as was evidenced by this week's vote.

The House of Representatives approved a resolution that was proposed by Representative Elise Stefanik (R-New York) and condemned the "failure" of Vice President Kamala Harris to fulfill her role as "border czar." Surprisingly, the measure received support from all Republicans and six Democrats, as Breitbart News reported.

On Thursday night, 214 Republicans and six Democrats in the House of Representatives condemned Harris' "failure" to complete the task that President Joe Biden gave her in March 2021.

At the time that he turned the responsibility over to his vice president Biden urged her to help stop "the migration to our southern border."

The Vote

However, the vice president and current Democrat presidential frontrunner also received the support of 196 Democrats in the House who voted against the resolution.

“The House of Representatives strongly condemns the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border,” the resolution reads.

“Vice President Kamala Harris is not just a failed border czar — she is an extremist on border security and immigration enforcement, as her record as a senator, presidential candidate, and vice president makes abundantly clear,” House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) said in a statement.

Concern For Her Decisions

The lawmaker went on, asserting that the president made a grave error in allowing Harris to take over the job of securing the border to keep America safe:

In March 2021, President Biden told the country that Vice President Harris was ‘the most qualified person to…lead our efforts’ in stemming the flood of illegal aliens across our Southwest border.

No rational person could look at the years since, and conclude anything except that she was utterly unqualified, and has completely failed. While Democrats and their allies in the media rush to excuse Vice President Harris’ catastrophic failure to end the crisis she and President Biden created, Congress has shown with this resolution that we want the American people to know the truth. [Emphasis added]

Also this week, Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced articles of impeachment against Harris.

Impeachment Push

The resolution cites her “willful refusal to uphold the immigration laws” as the Biden-Harris administration has been in office and largely turned a blind eye to the roughly 11 million migrant crossings at United States borders that have taken place since early 2021.

In order to broaden its Catch and Release network at the southern border, the administration has established a comprehensive parole pipeline that brings hundreds of thousands of migrants to communities in the United States on a monthly basis.

Since the beginning of the year 2023, the parole pipeline has been able to accommodate over 1.2 million migrants.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson