Some Disney employees relieved about layoffs amid falloff of Disney movies, shows

 March 25, 2023

The Wrap reported Friday that multiple Disney employees told them anonymously that they would be "relieved" to be laid off by the company as it looks to downsize its massive debt and stabilize its bottom line.

"With CEO Bob Iger committed to reducing the Walt Disney Company’s massive debt by laying off as many as 7,000 of its 'cast members' as early as next week, the temperature inside the company is veering between nervous energy and strange relief as the threat of joblessness looms," Drew Taylor wrote.

Indifference about Disney's future is taking hold as Disney+ has cooled off and Marvel and Disney movies have not done as well at the box office of late.

Besides 7,000 planned "cast member" layoffs, numerous contract workers are also being let go.

Iger set Disney woes in motion

Breitbart's John Nolte chalked up Disney's financial woes of late to "woke" programming that pushes LGBT+ and racial themes on children, which most parents do not support.

Although recently fired CEO Bob Chapek is getting all the blame for Disney's downward slide, Nolte pointed out that recently reinstated Bob Iger was the one who took on the massive debt before he departed the first time, but not before he pushed an expensive woke agenda with programming from Star Wars to Marvel to Buzz Lightyear.

"This all started with Iger, and yet he somehow presented himself as a White Knight and got his job back. Well, here are the repercussions: The money is not flowing in, so 7,000 people and a countless number of contractors are about to lose their jobs," Nolte said.

"Yep, this is what happens when you choose to rewire human nature with pedantic and predictable propaganda rather than entertain and inspire," he added.

Could have learned

While Disney is a huge company that will probably not disappear any time soon, it will have to learn the lesson that parents do not want their children exposed to really any sexual content or divisive racial ideas at a young age, or any age.

Like any mainstream outlet that decides to serve up a biased political agenda, Disney has lost some of its audience that doesn't agree with the viewpoints expressed or at least with foisting them on kids at an impressionable age.

It could have learned that lesson from CNN or MSNBC, both of whom have seen their ratings crater because of leftist ideology, but Iger and his team probably thought that Disney's magic was immune to being affected.

Parents, who still control the viewing habits of their younger children, are voting with their remotes and their feet, dropping Disney+ and staying away from movies like Lightyear that features a lesbian kiss.

No-win situation

Now that Disney has caved to the woke left, however, it cannot win no matter what it does.

If it moves away from woke programming, the left will scream that it's racist and homophobic, but if it doesn't, it will never be as profitable as it could be again. Couldn't happen to a nicer company.

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