Speaker Johnson places Congress on recess without passing Ukraine aid

 February 17, 2024

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has put the U.S. House of Representatives in recess without holding a vote on whether or not to approve more funding for Ukraine in its war with Russia. 

Fox News reports that Johnson put the House in recess on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024.

Johnson did so just days before government shutdown deadlines. The decision also comes as Ukraine claims to be running out of the supplies necessary to hold off the Russians.

Suffice it to say that President Joe Biden and his administration are furious with Johnson.

White House accuses Johnson of . . .

The Hill reports that Biden's White House has accused Johnson of putting America's national security at risk by not okaying more funding for Ukraine.

"White House spokesperson Andrew Bates argued in a memo, first obtained by The Hill, that Johnson is cutting and running early to go on recess 'instead of ending the harm he’s doing to our national security," The Hill reports.

The outlet quotes Bates as writing:

Every day that Speaker Johnson causes our national security to deteriorate, America loses. And every day that he puts off a clean vote, congressional Republicans’ standing with the American people plunges. Running away for an early vacation only worsens both problems.

Bates even went so far as to claim that the "American people are outraged" at Johnson for allegedly causing damage to "America's national security."

Johnson, though, is clearly not letting any of this bother him. The Associated Press reports that Johnson has made it clear that he will not be "rushed" into approving the Senate's aid package for Ukraine.

Russia achieves significant victory

As this disagreement about Ukraine funding continues here in the U.S., Russia appears to have achieved a major victory against Ukraine.

Fox News reports, "Ukrainian troops have withdrawn from the key battleground town of Avdiivka in the east of the country, which could pave the way for a Russian advance as the war nears its second anniversary."

The outlet goes on to suggest that Johnson and House Republicans' refusal to support more aid for Ukraine might have played a role in this withdrawal.

Per the outlet, "The withdrawal, announced as Ukraine faces acute shortages of ammunition with U.S. military aid delayed for months in Congress, aimed to save troops from being fully surrounded by Russian forces after months of fierce fighting, Kyiv said."

At the time of this writing, the House is not expected to resume its session until Feb. 28.

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