Special counsel identifies Hillary Clinton ally as probable source of infamous Trump slander

 May 17, 2023

The recently released Durham report covering the special counsel's probe into Trump's 2016 campaign investigation found that former first lady Hillary Clinton's ally was the likely source of infamous Trump smears.

During the 2016 presidential election, then-candidate Donald Trump was the target of the infamous "golden showers" allegation, which made headlines during a critical part of the 2016 presidential election, according to a report by The Washington Examiner.

Durham wrote in the report released on Tuesday that the FBI's "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation into Trump and Russia that Charles Dolan, found evidence of inappropriate activity.

The report indicated that Dolan, a public relations expert who advised the presidential campaigns of former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, visited the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow in 2016 just before the release of the scandalous rumor.

When the Rumors Began

The allegation was that in 2013 Trump paid prostitutes to urinate on a bed in the hotel’s presidential suite, which is the same suit where Barack Obama and Michelle Obama had stayed in 2009.

Years later when former the former First Lady for the Clinton administration was running against Trump in the 2016 presidential election, that unverified rumor became a key part of the campaign.

The report included a section titled "Trump's alleged salacious activity at the Ritz Carlton Moscow," wherein it was outlined that the president never actually stayed in the presidential sweet, though he did not specify which room Trump did stay in.

The report also referenced Dolan's "Planning Trip" which took place in June 2016and an email that was sent to an acquaintance in Moscow which stated, "I'm in Russia making plans to be adopted in the event that this madman [Trump] is elected."

How it got Back to Washington

According to Durham's report, he went back to Washington in June of 2016. Two days later, rumors about "golden showers" appeared in the Steele dossier.

The primary source for the dossier Igor Danchenko, did not stay at the Ritz-Carlton during his trip in June 2016—"a fact that was confirmed by hotel records."

He reportedly flew from Moscow to London on the day between the stay and the trip back to Washington to meet Christopher Steele, who wrote the report. Three days later, the claim was added to the probe.

In Durham's report, Dolan was named as a "sub-source" of information for Danchenko. Most likely, it was Dolan, not Danchenko himself, who told Danchenko about the "golden showers" claim.

Ritz Carlton Hotel records show that Trump did not stay in the Presidential Suite in 2013 or at any other time.

Durham said near the end of the report that Dolan was "the only person who met with both Danchenko and the Ritz-Carlton general manager (and other managers) during the June Planning Trip."

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