Spokesman for Donald Trump Jr. says he is a "convert" on abortion

 May 18, 2023

While Donald Trump Jr. has become one of America's most outspoken conservatives, his abortion views have changed substantially over the past decade. 

In an article published this week, the New York Post cited a 2012 interview with Dave Rubin in which he said, "I can’t buy into the abortion argument. I wish the Republicans would drop it as part of their platform."

"I don’t even understand how it’s a political issue"

"Abortion, I don’t get it. I don’t even understand how it’s a political issue," Trump Jr. went on. "I don’t understand how there’s one-issue voters for that."

"I don’t understand how you can tell someone what they can or can’t do," the future Republican star admitted.

However, the Post noted that Trump's position on the issue has since evolved, something which could be seen from a tweet he put out in January.

"Abortion supporters are doing everything in their power to end preborn lives by advocating for abortion from the moment of conception UP UNTIL BIRTH!," Trump declared.

The spokesman says Trump Jr. is a "convert" on abortion

"Wherever you are on the issue we can all agree that’s insane [and] way too far. Demand lawmakers protect life," he insisted.

Andy Surabian is a spokesperson for Trump, and he provided a statement explaining why the president's son had changed his perspective regarding abortion.

"Years before Don began engaging in politics, his views on abortion were largely shaped by his upbringing in liberal New York City, but no different than conservative heroes like Ronald Reagan and millions of other converts, he now proudly considers himself to be pro-life," Surabian stated.

Former president and Florida governor clash on abortion law

The Post noted that Donald Trump Jr.'s thoughts on abortion received attention after his father, former President Donald Trump, criticized a six-week abortion ban signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on the grounds that "many people within the pro-life movement feel that that was too harsh."

For his part, DeSantis responded to Trump's remarks this week by telling reporters, "Protecting an unborn child when there is a detectable heartbeat is something that probably 99% of pro-lifers support."

"I think that as a Florida resident, you know, he didn’t give an answer about, 'Would you have signed the heartbeat bill that Florida did?'" the Post quoted him as adding.

"It had all the exceptions that people talk about. The legislature put it in. I signed the bill. I was proud to do it. He won’t answer whether he would sign it or not," the governor pointed out.

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