State Department official resigns over report clearing Israel of blocking aid

 May 31, 2024

Polling data suggests that Israel's war against the terror group Hamas has caused deep divisions within the Democratic Party.

Those divisions even extend into the White House, with one figure recently announcing her resignation over the issue. 

Former State Department official quits over controversial report

According to The National Pulse, career State Department official Stacy Gilbert stepped down this week from the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.

At issue was Gilbert's disagreement with the findings of a State Department report which concluded that Israel has not impeded the flow of humanitarian assistance into Gaza.

The former Washington bureaucrat spoke with PBS NewsHour correspondent Nick Schifrin on Thursday about her decision to leave.

Schifrin began by quoting from Gilbert's resignation letter, which read, "I cannot continue working for a government that denies and enables Israel's deliberate carnage in Gaza."

Gilbert: "Israel has been blocking aid throughout this"

She took issue with the claim "that Israel was not blocking humanitarian assistance," saying this is "absolutely not the opinion of subject matter experts in the State Department, USAID, the humanitarian community, organizations that are working in Gaza."

Gilbert went on to allege that "Israel has been blocking aid throughout this" and compared the country's actions to "turning on and off a spigot."

"Sometimes, aid comes in. Often, it gets turned off. And it is simply not enough to address the needs in Gaza. It hasn't been," she insisted.

When Gilbert asserted that Gaza is experiencing a famine, Schifrin pushed back by noting that the United Nations has yet to declare that a famine has taken place.

Reports of humanitarian aid being stolen by armed groups

He also pointed to Israeli complaints that the United Nations has failed to properly distribute aid when it is allowed into Gaza.

A Fox News report in March cited allegations that members of Hamas and other armed groups regularly steal humanitarian assistance as soon as it crosses over from Israel.

PBS NewsHour noted that Gilbert is not the first Biden administration official to step down in protest over events in Gaza, as at least half a dozen others have also done so since last October.

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