Steve Bannon says 'big fight' in GOP will result if Trump picks Haley as VP

 January 3, 2024

Former President Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon warned Monday that the GOP would have a "big fight" if Trump picks former Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as his vice president.

Bannon called Haley a "viper"  on the “Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec” podcast and said she would end up shadow leading the country like Dick Cheney did as Vice President to George W. Bush.

“One of the fights we’re going to have, a big fight, it will take place in the spring, will be — they’re going to try to force Nikki on the ticket,” Bannon said.

"They'll say Trump needs a woman. Nikki on the ticket. She balances things and she can bring together that 15 percent of Never Trumpers in the Republican Party," he added.


Bannon said that the conservative wing of the party will fight against Haley's selection because if she is selected, the administration will "fail" as she acts like a prime minister.

He is not the only one to compare Haley to Cheney. During the November GOP debate, Vivek Ramaswamy called Haley "Dick Cheney in three inch heels."

Another prominent conservative, podcaster Tucker Carlson also said he did not want to see Haley on the Trump ticket.

But Trump has reportedly been thinking about doing just that, especially considering that one recent poll, American Research Group, shows Haley nipping at his heels in the New Hampshire primary.

Projected numbers

Note that the South Carolina primary closely follows New Hampshire, and she could make a fairly strong showing in her home state, although most recent polls show Trump beating her by almost 30 points.

While FiveThirtyEight still shows Trump with a double-digit lead in New Hampshire, he had been ahead of Haley by 40-50 points not too long ago.

A few polls have even shown Haley beating President Joe Biden by a larger margin than Trump does--more Democrats are willing to vote for her than Republicans, it seems.

Trump will definitely need every Republican vote he can get, given most Democrats' animosity toward him.

Independents will be another extremely important demographic for him.

A recent USA Today/Suffolk poll may make Trump feel better about his chances, though: it looks like Biden is losing significant numbers of Black, Hispanic and young voters to Trump, which may make it easier for Trump to be victorious in 2024.

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