Supreme Court's new code of ethics already attacks by Democrats

 November 17, 2023

Democrats are already criticizing a new code of ethics adopted by the Supreme Court this week.

The actions come as leftist lawmakers continue to move forward with plans for additional ethics legislation.

The claims

“This is a long-overdue step by the justices, but a code of ethics is not binding unless there is a mechanism to investigate possible violations and enforce the rules,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) responded in a statement.

“The honor system has not worked for members of the Roberts Court,” Whitehouse continued, referring to Chief Justice John Roberts. “My ethics bill would create a transparent process for complaints and allow a panel of chief judges from the lower courts to investigate and make recommendations based on those complaints.”

Durbin too

"I’m still reviewing the Court’s new code of conduct," and pointed to it as something that "marks a step in the right direction," Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) stated, according to Townhall.

He said, "it may fall short of the ethical standards which other federal judges are held to, and that’s unacceptable. And if it falls short, the American people will ultimately have the last word, and the integrity of the Court is at issue," he continued.

Cruz responds

"Democrat attacks on the Supreme Court won't stop. What they are doing has nothing to do with ethics," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wrote on Wednesday.

"Rather, it has everything to do with delegitimizing the Supreme Court, because it is the one part of the federal government they cannot control," he continued.

Conservatives currently hold a 6 to 3 majority in the court, with former President Donald Trump nominating three new justices during his four years as president.

The attacks by Democrats have focused largely on Justice Clarence Thomas, a longtime conservative whose rulings have often angered the left.

The latest criticisms are expected to continue as Democrats push for a greater advantage in the nation's highest court alongside its election emphasis for Biden and in Congress.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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