Survey reveals Black voter surge for GOP during midterms

 January 1, 2023

The level of support for GOP candidates among Black voters rose during the midterm elections, according to a new survey.

The discovery was revealed in an AP VoteCast survey released on Saturday regarding the details of the 2022 midterm election.

The numbers

"Conservative candidates nationwide found support among black voters increase to 14%, according to AP VoteCast, up from 8% in the midterm elections four years ago," the Washington Examiner reported.

"In states such as Georgia, the results were even more noticeable, with Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) more than doubling his support among black voters to 12%, compared to 5% in 2018," it added.

The building data

The survey added to a survey in November that showed an increase in Republican support among both Black and Hispanic voters.

"About 17% of surveyed Black voters said they would pick a GOP candidate for Congress. That's up from the 8% of Black voters who voted for Republicans in the 2018 midterms," Newsmax said regarding a Wall Street Journal poll.

"The poll also found a meager 5-point Democrat lead over Republicans among Latino voters after holding an 11-point lead in August," it added.

In March, another poll showed growing support among Black and Hispanic voters, revealing a growing turn away from traditional Democratic support under the Biden administration.

The studies help to support the shifting among American voters whose votes are tied less to race and more on basic policies. In the last election, inflation remained the number one concern.

Social issues also took an important role in the last election. Democrats took a strong pro-abortion position, something many Christians in the Black and Hispanic communities oppose.

The changes may be a help to the GOP in 2024, but only if the party puts forward strong candidates that appeal to a broader range of voters.

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Thomas Jefferson
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