Ted Cruz predicts Michelle Obama will replace Biden

 November 8, 2023

Republican senator Ted Cruz (Tx.) predicted that Michelle Obama will swoop in to save the Democrats in 2024, as doubts rise about incumbent Joe Biden.

During a segment of Fox and Friends, Cruz speculated about Obama "parachuting in" to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next summer.

Michelle Obama 2024?

Given her Oprah-esque celebrity, Obama has long been the subject of rumors about political aspirations - rumors she has denied.

While speculation about Obama is not new, Biden is facing more skepticism than ever before after a sobering New York Times poll showed him losing re-election to Donald Trump.

If the election were held today, Trump would win with more than 300 electoral votes, the poll found - also finding that Trump is winning in battlegrounds like Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan.

Cruz pointed to Obama strategist David Axelrod's panicked reaction to the poll as more evidence "that the Democrats are getting scared."

"I said on my podcast three months ago, Verdict with Ted Cruz, I predicted there was a very real chance that the Democrats would jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama and that they'd do it at the convention next summer," Cruz said. "I think the chances of that are rising every day."

Plan B

Of course, the Obamas have a lot of history in Chicago. Just days ago, the Obamas and their circle gathered in Chicago to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Barack's 2008 victory.

Cruz suggested that Obama was using Axelrod, who masterminded Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns, to pressure Biden.

"It's been my view for a long time that Barack Obama has been the person pulling the strings behind Joe Biden. Joe Biden is clearly not up to it. I think Obama is making the decision. And Axelrod is Obama's right hand," Cruz said.

In addition to broad public doubts about his age, Biden has received sour reviews for his handling of the economy and immigration.

Michelle Obama is the only alternative to Biden because Kamala Harris is unpopular, and Democrats won't stand for replacing Biden with another white man like Gavin Newsom, Cruz said.

"Michelle Obama is the one person who can drop in and do that and not fracture their party," Cruz said.

But even Biden's skeptics fear that it may be too late to swap him out - or is it?

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Thomas Jefferson
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