Trump asks federal court to take over Bragg case

 September 2, 2024

The legal team of former President Donald Trump is asking a federal court to take over the case that has been brought against him by Alvin Bragg, the George Soros-linked District Attorney of Manhattan. 

Fox News reports that Trump's team filed their latest motion in the case on Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024.

This is the so-called hush-money case in which Trump has already been found guilty. The claim at the heart of the case is that Trump misrepresented the "hush-money" payment in his business records.

Trump has railed against Bragg and others arguing that this is nothing more than a politically motivated sham trial. Legal experts from both sides of the political aisle agree that the case has serious and even fatal flaws.


The case is now at the sentencing phase. Trump has already been found guilty, and the only question left is what the penalty will be. Will the former president, for example, be sentenced to prison?

The sentencing was already supposed to have happened back in July. But, it was delayed until September. It is currently scheduled to take place on Sept. 18, 2024.

One cannot help but notice the proximity of the sentencing date to the presidential election. And, one has to wonder what effect, if any, the sentence will have on the presidential election.

All of this is up for speculation.

But, Trump and his legal team are currently trying to get a federal court to take over the case before the sentencing date.

The latest

Fox reports Trump's legal team, in their recent filing, of telling the federal court that the "ongoing proceedings will continue to cause direct and irreparable harm to President Trump -- the leading candidate in the 2024 Presidential election -- and voters located far beyond Manhattan."

They added, "An entirely unjust sentencing is currently scheduled to occur on September 18, 2024, which could result in President Trump’s immediate and unconstitutional incarceration and prevent him from continuing his groundbreaking campaign."

This is the reason why Trump's lawyers argue that "post-trial removal is necessary."

"Post-trial removal is necessary under these circumstances to afford President Trump an unbiased forum, free from local hostilities, where he can seek redress for these Constitutional violations," they stated.

This is not the first time that Trump and his team have attempted to get the case removed to federal court. The last time was in July 2023 and that effort was unsuccessful. We should find out soon whether they have better luck this time.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson