Trump clarifies misconstrued statements, slams media as 'very dishonest'

 August 28, 2024

The mainstream media has made it a priority to twist and turn former President Donald Trump's words to make him out to be something he's definitely not. 

According to Fox News, the former president, in an upcoming interview with TV personality Dr. Phil, slammed the "very dishonest" media for manipulating his words to make him look like a "dictator" and similar negative words.

Dr. Phil was set to release interviews with "both Trump and his former independent opponent Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tuesday and Wednesday respectively," according to the outlet.

He released several previews of the upcoming interviews, showing that Trump held nothing back.

What happened?

Dr. Phil questioned Trump on several subjects, including how the media demonizes him at every turn.

"They demonize you a lot," Dr. Phil said. "They make a big deal out of the fact that you said, ‘You’re only gonna have to vote one time, you elect me you’re only gonna have to vote one time.’"

Fox News pointed out an example of Trump's words that have been grossly taken out of context.

"You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians," he quoted Trump as saying, and later added, "You’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote."

Many anti-Trump commentators in the mainstream and alternative media twisted those sentences into Trump claiming that under him, there will be no more elections. Obviously false, but it spread like wildfire in liberal circles.

Trump clarified the statement during his interview.

"I said to the Christians, we’ve gotta win this election. If we win this election, I’ll straighten everything out in less than 4 years by a lot," he said. "Then you don’t have to, it doesn’t matter. In other words, I’m saying you don’t have to vote- it doesn’t mean we’re not gonna have elections! You’re gonna have elections, but you have to vote this time, because we have to win. This is the most important election in the history of our country."

Social media reacts

Trump's supporters across social media were happy to see him take a stand and set the record straight.

"Everyone with even a single brain cell understands that president Trump was speaking directly to Christians who don't normally vote! The media is projecting what the Democrats would do if they remain in power! They've already stolen one election and weaponized the DOJ," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "I took it as just vote this once and then you will never have to vote for me again. As in he wouldn’t be running anymore and I thought it was just a light hearted joke."

While it's good for the former president to clear the air, it will unfortunately not stop his haters from continuing to spread lies.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson