Trump dominates Michigan primary poll

 August 5, 2023

Former President Donald Trump has just dominated another primary poll. 

This poll comes from Emerson College, and it specifically looks at the state of Michigan.

The pollster surveyed some 498 Michigan Republican Primary Voters during a two-day period from Aug. 1 to Aug. 2, 2023. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.3 percentage points - but, this is not going to come into play here.

Emerson asked poll participants which Republican candidate they would vote for if the 2024 Republican presidential primary were to be held today.

A clear winner

Former President Trump won the poll clearly. In fact, nobody even came close.

Despite the fact that poll participants were given over 10 different options from which to choose, Trump won the poll with a majority of the vote: 61%.

Second place - if this is the right term for it - went to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who received only 13%. This puts DeSantis a staggering 48 percentage points behind Trump in the state of Michigan.

Everyone else received less than 10% of the vote. Former Vice President Mike Pence, for example, received 7%; "undecided" received 6%; Vivek Ramaswamy received 4%; and, then, there are a bunch of candidates hovering around 0.2% to 3%.

Real Clear Politics does have Trump dominating the Republican field in national polls, leading DeSantis by, on average, 35.5 percentage points: 53.1% to 17.6%. Emerson's results from Michigan are even more decisive.

The general election

Emerson also had participants - this time 1,121 Michigan voters - weigh in on the 2024 general election. Polls have consistently indicated that President Joe Biden and Trump are clearly leading their respective party's primary fields. Accordingly, Emerson asked Michigan voters whom they would vote for if the general election were to be held today between Trump and Biden.

The result was a tie: both Trump and Biden received 44% of the vote. 8% went to "someone else," and 5% went to "undecided."

Emerson's general election results are in line with a recent, national New York Times poll that found Biden and Trump to be tied at 43%. Real Clear Politics currently has Biden leading Trump by, on average, a very small margin of 0.9 percentage points: 44.9% to 44.0%.

What this all goes to show is that the multiple criminal indictments that have been brought against Trump by the Democrats are in no way causing support for Trump's 2024 election campaign to flag; if anything the polls suggest that the indictments are bolstering Trump's campaign.

There have yet to be polls released following Trump's latest indictment, the one related to the Capitol protests of Jan. 6, 2021. But, another bump in the polls for Trump is being predicted.

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