Trump gunman was first shot by local Swat officer, not Secret Service

 August 18, 2024

It's already incredibly obvious to anyone who's watched even a second of news coverage that America's Secret Service totally botched their protection of Donald Trump during his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Now, it's being revealed that it wasn't even the Secret Service who landed the first retaliation shot on Thomas Crooks, it was local law enforcement.

Former Secret Service boss Kimberly Cheatle did NOT have her employees well-organized that day. Luckily, local law enforcement bought the Secret Service enough time to kill the shooter before Donald Trump was more seriously injured.

July 13, 2024

You've definitely heard about the attempted assassination on Donald Trump by now, unless you've been living under a rock for the past month. Although, to be honest with you, this has been so widely covered that even if you HAD been living under a rock I still wouldn't believe that you haven't heard about this event.

A lone gunman, age 20 Thomas Crooks, shot at Donald Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, hitting the president in the ear and seriously injuring three men in the crowd. One of the men immediately died because of his wounds.

It was one of the darkest days in recent memory in America.

Regardless of any differences that we may have politically, shooting and killing a President of the United States of America is something that no USA citizen should even begin to consider.

Secret Service failures

If America's Secret Service had been on their game that day, a lot of bloodshed could have been stopped and at least one more American would still be alive that day. As a result of the botched protection of Donald J. Trump, the boss of the Secret Service was pretty much forced to resign.

Kimberly Cheatle never should have been Secret Service boss in the first place. She was only placed in that position because she has been friends with First Lady Jill Biden for years.

As a result of Cheatle's unpreparedness, two people are now dead and our President came within inches of being killed himself. The silver lining is that the Secret Service was eventually able to take down the gunman, but a new report is claiming that the Secret Service isn't even the organization we should be thanking: is claiming that "the first shot back at the would-be assassin who was firing at Donald Trump last month was from local law enforcement and hit the gunman’s weapon, briefly knocking him down, a preliminary report from the US Congress has revealed."

If it wasn't for local law enforcement landing the first shot on Thomas Crooks, then Crooks may have had time to get off a more accurate shot on the president before Secret Service finally responded.

"The 9th shot fired on J13 was from a Butler SWAT operator from the ground about 100 yards away from the AGR building [where the gunman was positioned]. Shot 9 hit Crooks’ rifle stock and fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up," Louisiana Republican Clay Higgins wrote in a report on the incident.

"The Swat operator who took this shot was a total badass; when he had sighted the shooter Crooks as a mostly obscured by foliage moving target on the AGR rooftop, he immediately left his assigned post and ran towards the threat, running to a clear shot position directly into the line of fire while Crooks was firing 8 rounds," the report continues.

After all that time, the Secret Service was finally able to land the kill shot on Thomas Crooks, putting an end to the carnage. If it wasn't for local law enforcement, things may have been even worse on that day.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson