Trump introduces new star at Atlanta rally: 'Lit up the room'

 August 5, 2024

Donald Trump was impressed by a black activist who "lit up the room" at his rally in Georgia on Saturday.

Michaelah Montgomery hyped up "Big T" in an energetic speech blasting Democrats for burdening black voters with inflation and illegal immigration.

Trump's new star

While Democrats paint Kamala Harris as a "savior," the left's policies have actually brought harm to the black community, Montgomery said.

She brushed off the controversy over Trump's use of the term "black jobs" to attack the impact of illegal immigration on black employment.

"They come here illegally and they're taking your jobs and your resources," Montgomery said.

"Why are we acting like strong borders aren't a thing literally everywhere else in the world? Since when has being patriotic been a crime?" she asked.

Montgomery also defended Trump for questioning Kamala Harris' racial identity. Trump caused controversy days ago when he accused Harris, who is half-Indian and half-Jamaican, of misrepresenting herself for political reasons.

"A few days ago, President Trump said he didn't know Vice President Harris was a black woman. I'm trying to figure out what all the outrage is about because she's only black when it's time to get elected," Montgomery said.

Montgomery also took a swipe at Harris' record as a prosecutor, which has been criticized by some as unfair to black men charged with marijuana offenses.

"The left is trying to tout this woman as a savior for the black community but all she's done is hurt the black community since she came into the game," Montgomery said.

"You lit up the room"

Montgomery's big personality left an impression on the crowd - and Trump.

"You are an unbelievable person with a great personality. You lit up the whole room," Trump said.

Trump and Montgomery also shared a light-hearted moment as Trump described their first meeting at a restaurant. Montgomery had introduced herself to Trump by praising his efforts to fund historically black colleges.

“She looks at me, says ‘It’s President Trump. You saved my college.’ And I said, ‘How the hell do you know that?’ … This one is so smart, so sharp,” Trump recalled.

“She grabbed me. She gave me a kiss,” he added. “I said, ‘I think I’m never going back home to the first lady.'”

“You were supposed to keep that quiet,” Montgomery quipped.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson