Trump planning to tell Biden: 'You're Fired'

 May 12, 2024

Former President Donald Trump is planning, this November, to tell President Joe Biden that he is "fired." 

Trump made the remark, according to Breitbart News, on Saturday, during a 2024 campaign rally that he held in Wildwood, New Jersey. The event, like just about all of Trump's events, was packed.

What Trump meant, of course, is that he plans on beating Biden in the upcoming general election, which is equivalent to firing the president - albeit, it will be the American voters, not Trump, who make the hiring and firing decisions.

Trump, though, was referencing the famous words that he often used on his hit show The Apprenticea reality television show in which Trump judged the business skills of contestants.


Trump, during one part of his speech on Saturday, gave the crowd a preview of how things will go should he win the presidency later this year.

"It’s time to set other differences aside and come together, get the job done for America. We’re going to Make America Great Again and we’re going to do it fast," Trump said.

It was here that Trump went off on a small tangent about The Apprentice and said that he is planning to tell Biden, "You're Fired."

"we’re going to look at Biden – I’m sure nobody ever saw The Apprentice, that was a big hit. That was a big powerful hit. But, I’m going to look at that guy and I’m going to say, ‘Joe Biden, you’re the worst ever. Joe Biden, you’re fired, get out of here, you’re fired.’ Get out of here, Joe," Trump said.

The crowd really liked that.

Will it happen?

There is every reason to believe that Trump is likely to beat Biden in the upcoming presidential election.

For one thing, poll after poll has made it clear that the American people are not happy with how Biden and his administration have been leading the country. Biden's job approval, according to Real Clear Politics, is currently 17 percentage points underwater, on average.

For another thing, Trump is leading Biden in hypothetical 2024 election polls. Real Clear Politics has Trump beating Biden, on average, by 1.2 percentage points. Trump, importantly, is also leading Biden in many swing states.

The polls, of course, cannot always be trusted. We know that from previous elections. But, they are one of the only indicators we have about the general sentiment of the country.

The bottom line is that there is every reason to believe that Trump will get that opportunity to tell Biden, "You're Fired."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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