Trump pledges to declassify "everything" related to JFK assassination

 May 16, 2023

For six decades, Americans have speculated on what the government knows about President John F. Kennedy's assassination. However, another former president recently said he will bring that speculation to an end.

During an interview this week with The Messenger, Donald Trump pledged to declassify "everything" related to Kennedy's murder. 

Trump says he "will release the remaining" Kennedy material "very early" in his term

Trump made the comment after being asked by The Messenger if there is anything in the government's files "that the public should be scared about or that makes the US look terrible?"

"Well, I don’t want to comment on that," Trump replied before adding, "But I will tell you that I have released a lot. I will release the remaining portion very early in my term."

The Daily Wire noted that Marine Corps veteran and onetime Soviet defector Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in connection with Kennedy's death along with the murder of Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit.

After being taken into custody, Oswald professed his innocence to reporters and described himself as being "just a patsy."

Some documents still classified despite transparency law passed three decades ago

However, Oswald was himself fatally shot inside the Dallas Police Department's headquarters by nightclub owner Jack Ruby, thus preventing the case from ever going to trial.

The only person to ever face charges stemming from the president's assignation was Louisiana businessman Clay Shaw.

Shaw was unsuccessfully prosecuted by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, which served as inspiration for the 1991 Oliver Stone film "JFK."

The Daily Wire pointed out how in 1992 President George H.W. Bush signed the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act, a piece of legislation which was meant to shed light on Kennedy's death.

Yet the website stressed that in the decades since there have been repeated delays when it comes to making documents available for public inspection.

National Archives: More than 97% of Kennedy assassination material is open to public

While Trump did preside over the release of some Kennedy assassination-related documents during his time in office, he opted to keep some material secreted.

President Joe Biden has done the same, pointing to concerns surrounding national security and foreign affairs. A statement put out by the National Archives this past December explained that over 97% of its records regarding Kennedy's assassination have already been opened to members of the public.

Kennedy's nephew, Robert Kennedy Jr., is challenging Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination, and he contends that the government was involved in his uncle's murder.

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