Trump says Black Chicago voters 'know they're being conned' by Dems

 August 24, 2024

According to former President Donald Trump, Black voters know that they are being "conned" by Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrats. 

Trump made the statement, according to Fox News, in response to interviews that were recently conducted by Fox News with voters at Chicago barbershops.

We'll begin by looking at the interviews.

Then, we'll take a look at Trump's reaction to them.

Obama's backyard is turning on Harris

Former President Barack Obama - as well as former First Lady Michelle Obama - are working hard to get Harris elected. We saw that at the recently-held Democratic National Convention, where Harris was named the party's presidential nominee.

It turns out, however, that many are not buying what the Obamas are selling. At least, this is what Fox found in its interviews with Black Chicago voters.

Per the outlet:

Voters in former President Barack Obama’s old backyard gave varying opinions on the 2024 presidential race, with several Black voters giving a vehement defense of former President Trump and suggesting that his recent uptick in Black support in the polls is legitimate.

The outlet quotes many of the individuals with whom it spoke.

A man named Lavar Williams, for example, told the outlet, "I’m a Trump fan. Everybody else I feel like they have a leash on them. Trump don’t have no leash on him."

"I am going to do that"

Trump recently reacted to the Fox interviews.

He said:

I am going to be doing that. I like that guy, and I like those people. Those are great people. Those… people just want safety. They don't want much. He wants to run his barbershop. Those are hardworking people. They're strong, they're tough, and they know that being conned by the Democrats.

By, "I am going to do that," Trump meant that he plans to visit some Black barbershops in Chicago for himself before the upcoming presidential election.

This all comes as polling suggests that Trump could potentially get a record amount of support by the Black community for a Republican candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Newsweek, for example, reports:

A Morning Consult survey of 11,501 registered voters conducted between August 15 and August 18, 2024, found that Trump has garnered significantly more backing from Black voters compared to his 2020 run. The 2024 poll shows 21 percent of Black voters supporting Trump, a 12-percentage point increase from a 2020 Morning Consult poll. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 1 percentage point.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson