Trump says he may pardon Hunter Biden

 October 28, 2024

Former President Donald Trump says that, if elected president, he may pardon Hunter Biden. 

Trump, according to the New York Postsuggested as much during an appearance on Hugh Hewitt's radio program.

This has come to the surprise of many, perhaps, most of all, to the family of Hunter Biden, which has ruthlessly attacked Trump and even alleged that Trump, if elected, might use the legal system to go after them.

It goes to show that all of the Democrats' fearmongering about Trump is simply unfounded.


There is a very real possibility that Hunter Biden could be ordered to report to prison in the near future.

Newsweek reports:

Hunter Biden was convicted in June of three federal gun-related charges. He also pleaded guilty last month to a number of tax offenses. His sentencing hearings in both cases are scheduled for December.

There are many legal experts who have suggested that it is highly unlikely that Hunter Biden will actually be sentenced to prison. Others, however, have disagreed and have suggested that prison time is a real possibility.

One of the big questions in recent months has been whether President Joe Biden, during his final weeks in office, might try to pardon his son. The White House has claimed that this will not happen.

Trump, however, was not asked until just recently whether he would consider pardoning Hunter.

Here is what Trump said:

First off, Trump said that he would not take Hunter Biden's crimes off of the books. "I wouldn’t take it off the books," the former president said.

Trump, however, suggested that he would stop Hunter Biden from going to prison, were the first son to be sentenced to prison time.

The former president said:

See, unlike Joe Biden, despite what they’ve done to me, where they’ve gone after me so viciously, despite what — and Hunter’s a bad boy. There’s no question about it. He’s been a bad boy. All you had to do is see the laptop from hell — but I happen to think it’s very bad for our country.

Here, Trump referenced the fact that he could have gone after Hillary Clinton during his first term as president but decided against it because, in his view, it would have been bad for the country. Apparently, Trump believes that it would be a similar situation in the case of Hunter Biden, which is why Trump has indicated that he might pardon him.

It is quite a remarkable statement from Trump - one showing strong character. Would Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris do the same for Trump or a member of his family?

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson