Trump says Venezuela will be 'far safer' than America if Harris wins

 August 14, 2024

Donald Trump said he might seek shelter in Venezuela if Kamala Harris is elected, warning the South American country would be "far safer" than the U.S. under a Harris administration.

In his wide-ranging conversation with Elon Musk on X, Trump warned that countries like Venezuela are sending criminals to America, and it will only get worse if failed "border czar" Harris becomes president.

Venezuela SAFER than America?

Many migrants coming to America are criminals or "non-productive" people who refuse to work, Trump warned. He speculated that 20 million migrants have entered under Harris and Biden, more than reported.

"I believe it's over 20 million people came into our country, many coming from jails, from prisons, from mental institutions, or a bigger version of that is insane asylums. And many are terrorists," Trump said.

Violent crime in Venezuela has declined to 22-year lows, a trend Trump has often attributed to Venezuela dumping prisoners on American soil.

"If something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we'll meet the next time in Venezuela, because it'll be a far safer place to meet than our country," he said.

Ruthless foreign criminals are taking advantage of "politically correct" law enforcement policies in Democrat-run cities like New York, where a group of migrants notoriously beat up police in Times Square, Trump added.

"In their own country, they would be dead if they did that. They would be shot. They would be shot instantly," Trump said of the incident.

Kamala pivots on border

Immigration and crime are top issues in the upcoming election, and Trump is eager to remind Americans that Harris has been in Washington while illegal immigration surged to record levels.

Trump slammed "incompetent" Harris for painting herself as a border hawk, despite the crisis that has unfolded on her watch.

"She doesn't have to say it, she can close it up right now," Trump said, of Harris' new pledge to secure the border.

Migrant crime

While Harris continues to gaslight the country, innocent people are falling victim to "Kamala migrant crime," Trump said.

Trump brought up the horrific rape Sunday of a woman at knife point under the Coney Island boardwalk in Brooklyn. A 24-year-old Nicaraguan, David Davon-Bonilla, raped her while Mexican accomplice Leovando Moreno, 37, beat her boyfriend with a pipe.

"You had to see the news tonight about New York. And I love that place. And what they're doing to it is horrible," Trump said of his hometown.

New York City just surpassed $5 billion in spending on the migrant influx.

Trump pledged to restore security and strength if elected, doubling down on his mass deportations pledge.

"We’re going to have the largest deportation in history of this country. And we have no choice," he said.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson