Trump sets record for longest nomination acceptance speech

 July 19, 2024

Perhaps the biggest worry about America's current president, Joe Biden, is the idea that he could keel over and drop dead at any moment. The man looks like a shell of the person we saw as America's vice president back in 2009, and it's causing a LOT of concern across America.

As a result of Joe Biden's failing health, an increased importance on presidential stamina has been placed on the 2024 edition of the race. It's safe to say that Donald Trump is answering the call, and Joe Biden is not.

Just a few days after getting shot at his campaign rally in Pennsylvania and while Joe Biden sat in bed coughing with COVID, Donald Trump set the world record for history's longest nomination acceptance speech.

This is really important when you consider just how little faith America has in Joe Biden that he's be able to show a similar display of vim and vigor.

92 minutes.

Trump is no stranger to filling dead air. As a reality television star, he had to be ready to talk whenever the cameras were pointed at him and they needed content.

As America's president, Trump was expected to talk when the cameras were pointed at him and the country needed leadership.

Sure, Donald Trump has spoken for long stretches at a time before. The big story here is the fact that he did it under the circumstances that he did.

Think about it, just a few short days earlier, Donald Trump came within an inch of his life as a bullet only grazed his ear instead of ripping through his brain. America knew that Joe Biden was old and sick with COVID, so Donald Trump stepped up and gave America the leader we needed at this moment.

The contents of Trump's speech are also being praised as well. He opened by talking about the crazy moments following his assassination attempt.

Perhaps most impressively of all, Donald Trump only said the word "Biden" once throughout his speech, showing that he isn't going to waste his time giving attention where it isn't deserved.

Joe Biden could NEVER

Compare Joe Biden in 2024 to what he looked like 12 years ago when he was America's vice president, and you'd have trouble convincing me that we're looking at the same person.

Joe's been pumped so full of botox that his face is a completely different shape, and he doesn't move or talk like he used to. There's clearly some sort of cognitive decline that Joe Biden is going through.

Biden should be going through his final years of decline while at home with his family, not in front of America's eyes to show the whole world how weak our president is.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson