Trump signals he could vote against Florida's six-week abortion ban referendum

 August 30, 2024

While former President Donald Trump's supporters agree with him on virtually all issues, one glaring issue that he's having trouble with is abortion. 

Abortion is expected to weigh heavily in the upcoming election, and the former president recently signaled during an interview with the Daily Mail that he's likely to vote against Florida's six-week abortion ban when it comes up for a referendum later this year.

Trump explained that he believes more time should be given and that six weeks is too early, sparking concern from some sectors of his voting base.

Trump is a registered voter in the state of Florida, and voting against the referendum would place him on the opposite side of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

What's going on?

The outlet explained what's happening with the upcoming vote.

That tightrope walk will be tested later this year when Florida, where Trump is a registered voter, holds a referendum on Amendment 4, which would abolish the state's new ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy and replace it with a 24-week limit.

The former president was frank during the interview, saying that he would probably vote against it as he believes there should be a longer term for an abortion ban. Florida has some of the strictest abortion laws in the nation.

"Well, I do know, but I do want more than six weeks,' he said during an interview at his Mar-a-Lago estate. "I want more than six weeks."

"I think six weeks is a mistake. And I'll be expressing that soon, but I want more than six weeks," adding, "And in Florida, we have a six-week program, and that's what I believe that you're voting on, and I think it should be more than six weeks."

His statement came in the wake of a controversial Truth Social post from last week, when he promised women's reproductive rights would be protected under his administration.

"My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights," he wrote on Aug. 23.

Social media reacts

Users across social media had plenty of opinions on Trump's latest abortion statement.

"Trump appointed three supreme court justices that overturned Roe v Wade after 52 years. Way more than we could have ever hoped for. Give him a break," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Man… I knew he was going soft on it, but I didn’t know about this. What really gets me is that when you dilute it all down, the life of a baby is nothing more than a bargaining chip to these people."

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Thomas Jefferson