Trump supporters in the Bronx say Ocasio-Cortez is not welcome

 May 27, 2024

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was booed in her own backyard last week during a Donald Trump rally in the Bronx, where thousands of mostly black and Hispanic residents showed up in force to support the former president.

AOC has won re-election handily since first entering Congress in 2019, but a vocal minority of Bronx residents say she should "stay out" of New York City's northernmost borough.

Locals tell AOC to get out

Biden carried the Bronx handily in 2020, netting over 83% of the vote there, but Trump has suggested that New York is in play this year as Biden's coalition shows signs of fraying.

The mostly black and Hispanic Trump supporters who showed up at Crotona Park on Thursday served as a reminder of the challenges facing Democrats ahead of what is expected to be another close election.

Like millions of Americans, the mostly working-class, minority residents of the Bronx have been impacted by inflation.

Locals have struggled to cope with an influx of migrants from south of the border who have been invited in by Biden's immigration policies.

Jessica Stinnett of Manhattan, one of the rallygoers, told the Daily Mail that Biden and Ocasio-Cortez are pushing an anti-American agenda.

"It's time for us to come and fight," she said of the state's Republicans, adding, there is "no respect to America or the American people anymore."

Out of touch

AOC, whose district includes parts of the Bronx and Trump's native Queens, used her bullhorn to blast Trump's visit as a desperate stunt.

Trump has been largely sidelined from campaigning by his "hush money" trial in neighboring Manhattan.

Donald Trump is broke. He needs money. He’s hosting a rally to try to con people and try to fleece them out of every dollar that they have to fund his own legal fees,” she told reporters.

The state's Democratic governor, Kathy Hochul, exposed her party to criticism by dismissing Trump's New York backers as "clowns," a remark that was compared to Hillary Clinton's notorious comment dismissing millions of American voters as irredeemable "deplorables."

The rallygoers at Trump's Bronx event blasted the state's Democrats as out of touch with the issues facing ordinary people.

"I think that New York is a very strong state with a lot of people who truly believe in our president and are truly tried. They have woken up," said Tatiana Ibrahim, of Carmel, New York.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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