Trump talks with Megyn Kelly about son Barron's future

 September 20, 2023

Even though former President Donald Trump apparently agreed to keep his son Barron, now 17, out of the spotlight in the midst of both his popularity and notoriety, Trump did talk about Barron's future plans during an interview with Megyn Kelly, who has a popular podcast with conservatives.

Maybe he felt like Kelly's audience would be friendly and wanted his nearly adult son to begin to get used to media attention, even if indirectly.

At any rate, Trump said that he gets along very well with Barron and said that his son may be following in Dad's footsteps with his college decision.

“Barron’s very tall – about six-eight. And, he’s a good kid. He’s a good-looking kid. He’s a great student, very good student,” Donald told Kelly.

College decision?

He also divulged that Barron was "looking at" attending the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania next year.

Trump himself graduated from the Wharton School, along with his kids Donald Jr., Ivanka and Tiffany. Eric, the lone dissenter, went to Georgetown.

Of course, it is a little early to be making college decisions. Most schools only begin taking applications in August for the following year, and early action/early decision deadlines are typically November 1.

But most seniors in high school are beginning to decide where they want to apply, and some have made their first choices known even though it will be a few months until most schools begin to send out acceptances.

And the Wharton School would be a natural choice for Barron given how much of his family has attended there.

Media scrutiny

Barron's college attendance may leave him more exposed to media scrutiny, similar to when Barack Obama's daughters Sasha and Malia attended college while their father was president.

It is still unknown whether Trump will end up president, in jail, or both by the time Barron is in college, but either way, he won't have as much privacy then as he does now at the Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach.

Barron will be entitled to Secret Service protection if his father is elected president, which will likely afford him some measure of continued privacy.

It seems like it would be unpleasant to be a college student with Secret Service following them around, however.

Adult children of a president can refuse the protection, but with how many people love and hate Trump, Barron would probably not be wise to do so.

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