Trump vowed to get to Iowa 'no matter what' before caucuses

 January 14, 2024

With the first votes for the 2024 primary season taking place in Iowa, many media outlets have focused on the intense winter weather plaguing the region.

Many believe the media has overhyped the situation possibly in an attempt to tone down the turnout for the former president.

As The Hill reported, Trump promised Iowa voters he would be there no matter the weather. "One way or the other," he said.

Trump, who spoke to a large crowd of supporters via video conference, reminded them that they're the most committed supporters and that he wasn't worried about losing any turnout on Monday to the nasty winter weather.

"I'm getting there"

Trump held nothing back in making his vow, saying, "One way or the other, I’m getting there you have the worst weather, I guess, in recorded history, but maybe that’s good because our people are more committed than anybody else,” Trump said. “So maybe it’s actually a good thing for us."

The Hill noted:

Later in the video, Trump predicted, again, that he would win the Iowa caucuses and took a swipe at his potential general election rival, President Biden, by calling him “the worst president” in history.

As usual, the former president held nothing back, telling supporters, "We’re going to have a great victory and we’re going to beat the crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country, not even a contest."

As it stands, the former president -- like in most other states -- holds a commanding lead in Iowa against even his closest GOP competitors.

Trump has a 37-point lead on former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who only has 17.4% support in the Hawkeye State. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is holding in third place at about 15.9%.

Social media reacts

Trump's supporters reacted to his promise to get to Iowa, with many insisting that they had zero doubts he would.

"I just spoke to a nice lady in Iowa who is 93 years young. She is going to trek in the cold and snow no matter what on the 15th to cast her vote for President Donald J. Trump in the Iowa Caucus. Nothing is stopping Americans on their mission to SAVE AMERICA!" one X user wrote

Iowa AG Brenna Bird wrote, "Stopped by Trump HQ tonight to speak with a room full of freedom fighters & make calls to Get Out The Vote! Just ONE more day until we WIN Iowa for President @realDonaldTrump!!"

Many believe Trump will storm through the Iowa caucus no matter the weather. Only time will tell.

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