Trump will skip first RNC debate, will instead conduct an interview with Tucker Carlson

 August 19, 2023

The New York Times reported on Friday that Former President Donald Trump has decided to skip the first Republican National Committee primary debate and will instead do an interview with Tucker Carlson.

The possibility of Trump skipping the first debate has been speculated about for months and many see it as the right move for Trump.

Trump is up by 45 points nationally and has double-digit leads in all of the important primary states. Trump is so far ahead of the rest of the pack that he can actively flaunt the typical campaign schedule, which some say is a shot across the bow at both the RNC and Fox News.

This announcement is also huge for Carlson, who was stabbed in the back by Fox News months ago. Carlson will interview Trump while his former colleagues, Bret Baier, and Martha MacCallum, are left with the rest of the Republican field.

Trump writing his own rules

Trump is breaking all the conventional rules and writing his own as his groundbreaking campaign continues to dominate.

The New York Times reported, "In the past 24 hours, Mr. Trump has told people close to him that he has made up his mind and will skip the debate in Milwaukee, according to two of the people briefed on the matter. The timing of the interview with Mr. Carlson remains unclear, but if it goes ahead as currently planned, the debate-night counterprogramming would serve as an act of open hostility."

Trump further confirmed he wouldn't be attending in a post to Truth Social saying, "Many people are asking whether or not I will be doing the DEBATES? ALL AMERICANS have been clamoring for a President of extremely High Intelligence. As everyone is aware, my Poll numbers, over a “wonderful” field of Republican candidates, are extraordinary. In fact, I am leading the runner up, whoever that may now be, by more than 50 Points. Reagan didn’t do it, and neither did others. People know my Record, one of the BEST EVER, so why would I Debate? I’M YOUR MAN. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Trump skipping the debate is terrible news for the RNC and Fox News as without Trump, the ratings won't be nearly what they could be with him.

Wherever Trump goes, ratings go into the stratosphere. CNN learned this with their town hall with Trump back in May which brought in huge ratings despite the criticism from the left about "platforming" Trump.

Now Tucker Carlson will reap the benefits and it wouldn't be crazy to say more Americans will tune in to hear from Carlson and Trump instead of the other Republican candidates.

Carlson ascending

If this interview does happen, it will be the greatest opportunity yet for Carlson to make Fox News pay for their treatment of him.

Carlson has become one of the most influential figures in the conservative sphere and despite being fired from Fox News, has still retained his power.

Carlson arguably doomed former Vice President Mike Pence's presidential campaign with his hard questions. Some would argue that Pence never had a real chance anyways, but it is undeniable that Carlson's interview with him was devastating.

Carlson has a chance to cement himself as the leading voice in the conservative movement with this interview. As for Trump, he's just flexing his power at this point and reminding both Fox News and the RNC who is really in control.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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