Tucker Carlson downplays talk that he could be Trump's running mate

 December 12, 2023

Most polls show former President Donald Trump leading by an insurmountable margin in the Republican primary race, and that has led some to wonder who he might chose as his running mate.

While Tucker Carlson's name has been put forward as a vice presidential material, the conservative commentator recently said that he doesn't see such a move coming. 

Carlson says he has "no interest" in being vice president

According to The Epoch Times, Carlson downplayed the prospect of a vice presidential run during a recent speech, saying that "God would have to yell at me very loud."

Carlson went on to complain that constantly being around politician is both "so repulsive" and something he has "no interest in."

"To go from being, like, a well-paid street corner schizophrenic to, like, a politician—it’s just kind of hard to envision," the media personality joked.

Report: former first lady wants Trump to pick Carlson

His comments came in the wake of a report from Axios which claimed that former First Lady Melania Trump has asked her husband to pick Carlson for the number two spot in his campaign.

Axios stated that Mrs. Trump "thinks Carlson would make a powerful onstage extension of her husband, a source close to Trump told us."

"The former first lady has made few campaign appearances this time around — but a Trump-Carlson ticket might encourage her to hit the trail," the report went on to add.

Trump campaign aide says Axios story is "pure fiction"

However, a Trump campaign aide later dismissed the Axios story, telling the New York Post that it was an example of "pure fiction."

"Unless there is a formal announcement from President Trump or his campaign team, then it’s just speculation and not coming from us," the aide was quoted as saying.

The campaign figure went on to add, "President Trump is solely focused on winning the Republican nomination and then defeating Crooked Joe Biden in the general election."

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Thomas Jefferson
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