Tulsi Gabbard says DOJ has 'disqualified' itself with latest Trump indictment

 August 9, 2023

In a video released this past weekend, former Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said the Department of Justice (DOJ) has "disqualified" itself from being seen as legitimate. 

According to Breitbart, Gabbard took aim over its latest indictment of former President Donald on charges relating to his behavior following the 2020 election.

Gabbard says DOJ is trying "to destroy" Trump's candidacy

Gabbard called Trump's indictment "yet another example of how far President Joe Biden’s politicized Department of Justice is willing to go to try to destroy his main political opponent as a presidential election is going on."

The former Democratic lawmaker went on to characterize the move as being a "tyrannical tactic" which is intended "to distract and drain resources" from Trump.

"So we’re seeing how this politicized Department of Justice is being used to achieve both of those purposes, both of which harm the American people’s interests, the interests of our country, and our democracy," Gabbard insisted.

Bragg indictment an "extremely dangerous turning point"

Breitbart noted that this is not the first time that Gabbard has accused Democratic officials of acting on bad motives, as she expressed similar thoughts after Trump was indicted in May by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

She denounced it as being "just the latest example of the Dem establishment putting their own personal and partisan political interest ahead of the interests of the American people and our country."

Gabbard described the charges stemming from an alleged payoff to adult film star Stormy Daniels as "a despicable, extremely dangerous turning point for our country."

GOP congresswoman: "Democrats have interfered in every election since 2016"

Gabbard is not alone in suggesting that Trump's indictments are an attempt to interfere in the 2024 election, as New York Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney argued that it is part of a pattern.

"The Democrats have interfered in every election since 2016," Tenney asserted in a tweet she put out earlier this month.

The congresswoman pointed to since debunked claims that Trump colluded with the Russian government as well as the suppression of reports on Hunter Biden's laptop.

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