Ukrainian opposition leader arrested for treason, spreading Russian lies

 September 17, 2023

An opposition leader was arrested in Ukraine on charges of treason.

Nestor Shufrych, part of the Opposition Platform for Life party banned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, could face up to 15 in prison if convicted in court.

The charges

"He is alleged to have spread the 'Kremlin’s false narratives that the Ukrainian state is "an artificial entity", that Ukraine and Russia "have one history", and that Ukrainians and Russians are "one people."’” Breitbart News reported.

"The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) claimed in a statement on Friday that the current member of the Ukrainian parliament had closely cooperated with and carried out instructions of former National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Secretary Volodymyr Sivkovych, who fled to Russia in 2014 following the Western-backed Maidan Revolution that toppled the democratically-elected government of Viktor Yanukovych," it added.

Held without bail

"The Pechersk Court in Kyiv put pro-Russian lawmaker Nestor Shufrych under arrest for 60 days without bail, Ukrainian news outlet Suspilne reported on Sept. 15," the Kyiv Independent reported.

"Shufrych arrived at the Kyiv court earlier the same day after being charged with treason for subversive activities against Ukraine," it continued.

Connections with Moscow

"Shufrych was long a member of political groups friendly to Moscow, including one party banned since Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine," Reuters reported.

"He served as Minister of Emergency Services under disgraced President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled Ukraine after a mass uprising in 2014 that triggered Russia's annexation of Crimea," it added.

The report also comes as Zelensky is expected to travel to Washington to meet with President Joe Biden on Thursday.

The Biden administration has already led efforts for the U.S. to provide over $100 billion for Ukraine since the war's start, with many Americans now concerned that the emphasis has led to overlooking concerns within the U.S.

The case will be closely watched to determine how harsh the ruling will be on a leader opposed to Ukraine's freedom as the invasion from Russia continues against the former Soviet republic.

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