Vindictive Biden cancels Space Command base in Alabama

 August 7, 2023

A new front is opening in the GOP's culture war with Joe Biden after the president cancelled a Space Command base in Alabama - seemingly out of partisan spite.

There had been plans to relocate the current headquarters from Colorado Springs to Huntsville, but Biden changed course, causing a furor across the aisle.

Republicans say Biden is exacting revenge against Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville (Al.), who has given the Pentagon headaches with his protest of Biden's abortion agenda.

Biden punishes Alabama

Recall, Biden - to circumvent the Supreme Court's move overturning Roe v. Wade last year- started allowing the military to pay for travel for women in the armed services to get abortions.

Tuberville has been blocking Pentagon appointments in protest of Biden's policy, which violates the Hyde Amendment's prohibition of federal spending on abortions.

Biden is now taking the politicization of the military to another level by punishing an entire state, one of the poorest in the country.

The White House insists Biden's decision - which cancels out thousands of new jobs for Alabama - was motivated purely by concerns about "military readiness," but Tuberville is calling Biden out over "blatant patronage politics."

The Air Force backed the decision to relocate, which was originally made by President Trump. Two other red states, Texas and Nebraska, made the shortlist - but Biden rejected them all and went with Colorado, a state with extremely permissive abortion laws.

Democrat sounds off

Is it all a big coincidence? Alabama's Democrats don't seem to think so.

Teri Sewell, the only Democrat from Alabama in the House of Representatives, said Biden was putting his party over the nation and its security needs.

“This reversal is as shameful as it is disappointing,” she wrote on Monday. “I expected more from the Biden Administration. A decision of this magnitude should not be about red states versus blue states, but rather what is in the best interest of our national security.”

Most spiteful president ever?

Biden has already pledged to veto the House GOP's version of the annual defense spending bill in order to protect abortion, critical race theory and trans ideology.

The White House has sought to paint Republicans as a threat to "military readiness" - but Tuberville said Biden is undermining the military with his obsession with identity politics.

"They’ve politicized our military, destroyed our recruiting, misused our tax dollars for their extremist social agenda, and now they are putting Space Command headquarters in a location that didn’t even make the top three," he said.

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