Violence against journalist leads to nationwide protests

 March 3, 2024

The recent attack on Maimouna Ndour Faye, journalist and general director of private channel 7TV, near her home in Dakar, Senegal, has sent shockwaves through the country already grappling with a political crisis stemming from postponed elections.

Known for her candidness and occasionally contentious viewpoints as the host of the popular show "The MNF Guest," Ndour Faye had previously revealed receiving death threats.

The attack

According to a press release issued by 7TV, Ndour Faye was "brutally attacked near her home and violently stabbed three times" in Dakar. She was swiftly transported to the hospital and is reported to be in stable condition. However, the motive behind the attack remains shrouded in mystery.

Images circulating on social media depict Ndour Faye lying on a stretcher, her clothes stained with blood, her hand resting on her stomach.

In response to the assault, President Macky Sall denounced the act of violence, asserting the imperative of safeguarding press freedom and ensuring accountability for those responsible.

He affirmed, "Freedom of the press is a fundamental right that must be protected and respected in all circumstances. Violence of any kind cannot be tolerated, and those responsible for this aggression will have to answer for their actions before the courts."

The opposition

The opposition coalition, "Diomaye President," echoed these sentiments, condemning the attack as "brutal" and "disgusting."

They called upon authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter. Additionally, numerous journalists gathered outside the premises of 7TV to express solidarity with Ndour Faye, brandishing signs demanding press safety.

The incident has sparked a broader conversation about the safety of journalists in Senegal. Many have urged officials to prioritize measures ensuring the security of media professionals, emphasizing the indispensable role of press freedom in upholding democracy and accountability.

The political response

Political leaders from across the spectrum have also rallied in support of Ndour Faye, reaffirming their commitment to defending the principles of journalistic integrity and freedom of expression.

The attack on Ndour Faye serves as a sobering reminder of the risks faced by journalists in their pursuit of truth and transparency.

As investigations into the assault continue, Senegal finds itself at a crossroads, grappling not only with a political crisis but also with the imperative to uphold the fundamental rights enshrined in its democratic fabric.

The aftermath of this incident will undoubtedly shape the discourse surrounding press freedom and security in the country for the foreseeable future.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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