VP Harris backs 3 Tennessee lawmakers who voted against protecting children in schools

 April 8, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris hasn't seem to have any spare time to do the jobs she was appointed to do, such as oversee the crisis at the southern U.S. border.

But according to Breitbart, she absolutely does have the time to visit and back a trio of dangerous, radical lawmakers in Tennessee who voted against a bill that would have placed armed guards in every school to protect our children.

The bill came to light in the wake of the tragic Nashville-based school shooting at a Christian school that claimed the lives of three young children and three staffers. The shooting was perpetrated by a troubled transgender 28-year-old.

The opposition by the three state Democrats, Reps. Gloria Johnson (D), Justin Jones (D), and Justin Pearson (D), came on the same day the Republican-controlled state house was set to vote on the Democrats' removal for breaking House rules.

Something it's not

Harris, in typical Democrat fashion, used the tragic school shooting to trash Republicans, which is extremely ironic given that Republicans are taking direct action to do more to keep our children safe.

The vice president was more concerned that Republicans had voted to expel the three radical Democrats from the state House.

“Six people, including three children, were killed last week in a school shooting in Nashville. How did Republican lawmakers in Tennessee respond? By expelling their colleagues who stood with Tennesseans and said enough is enough. This is undemocratic and dangerous.”

Breitbart noted:

The Christian school, which was attacked on March 27, lacked an armed resource officer.  The bill Johnson, Jones, and Pearson, voted against Thursday morning would place an armed guard in every school and “allow private schools to partner with local police for school security efforts, and require Tennessee Department of Homeland Security agents to be placed in each county to evaluate and support school safety plans in both public and private schools.”

Democrats have argued that placing armed guards in schools would turn them into "prisons," but seem to have absolutely no problem with having armed guards at sporting events, banks, gas stations, and for private communities.

In reality, it should be a no-brainer, and an easy way for state Republicans to come together with the other side, as everyone should want to protect our children, no matter the cost or optics.

Lawmakers lash out

Two of the state lawmakers who were expelled from the state House labeled the vote to kick them out a "lynching of democracy," ABC News reported.

Not surprisingly, the expelled lawmakers, who happen to be Black, immediately played the race card.

"I believe that this whole process has been unconstitutional," Jones said. "There are crimes against democracy happening in Tennessee being led by House Speaker Cameron Sexton."

They can complain all they want, and bring VP Harris in to make a real show out of it, but thankfully they'll no longer be able to put the children of Tennesse in danger for choosing politics over practical solutions.

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Thomas Jefferson
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