West Virginia state senator asked to resign after being arrested again

 September 29, 2024

A Republican state senator is being asked to step down by his local GOP part chair after being arrested for a second time in two months.

State Senator Mike Maroney was first elected in 2016, but his career is probably coming to an end after being arrested on a drunk driving charge.

Sure, everyone deserves forgiveness. Some may even argue for a second chance. However, this isn't the first time Maroney has been accused of something like this.

Arrest number one:

On August 4, Republican Senator Mike Maroney was accused of being found "committing an act of sexual gratification" around one in the afternoon by employees at Gumby's Cigarette & Beer World.

As a result of the accusations, Maroney was "removed from his position by chamber leadership Wednesday after being charged with indecent exposure and disorderly conduct."

Maroney was arrested on two misdemeanors as a result of his actions on August 4 at Gumby's Cigarette & Beer World.

According to NBCNews, "Marshall County Prosecuting Attorney Joe Canestraro said employees on surveillance video allegedly saw Maroney 'committing an act of sexual gratification' about 1 p.m. in the establishment’s video lottery room. Maroney was the only person in the room at the time, according to Canestraro."

The report added, "The Gumby’s employees then called the Glen Dale Police Department."

Incident number two

After the indecent exposure charges, it's fair to say that Maroney was on thin ice. It's also fair to say that a drunk driving charge probably breaks that thin ice.

As a result, Maroney is being asked to step down from his position.

"While the legal process must take its course, the perception of impropriety and the repeated legal entanglements surrounding Senator Maroney have brought discredit to the West Virginia Senate," Ethan Moore, chairman of the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee, said in a statement. "We believe it is in the best interest of Senate District 2 and the state for Senator Maroney to resign, restoring public trust and the integrity of the Senate."

Who knows how much longer Maroney would have been a public figure for anyway.

He recently lost his Republican primary a few months before his indecent exposure charges, and his term is set to expire in January.

This is proof that not all Republicans are honest people and not all Democrats are squirmy liars. Sure, that's true in a lot of cases, but we can't be fooled by people like Maroney. These are the type of people who have been running America's government for far too long, and it's time for Americans to VOTE THEM OUT!

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson