White House physician says president is "vigorous" and "healthy"

 February 19, 2023

President Biden recently underwent a physical exam, with Fox News reporting on Thursday that White House physician Kevin O'Connor found him to be in tip-top shape.

That conclusion will come as a surprise to many of the president’s critics, however, some of whom question O’Connor’s credibility. 

Biden described as "vigorous" by doctor

"President Biden remains a healthy, vigorous 80-year-old male who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency," the White House physician was quoted as saying in a memo.

O’Connor reported that Biden had a lesion removed from his chest and continues to experience a stiff gait which remains unchanged from last year.

What’s more, the president struggles with gastroesophageal reflux, a condition resulting in more frequent throat clearing and coughing.

O’Connor added that Biden’s most serious concern last year was his bout with COVID, something which the president is said to have fully recovered from. 

Former White House physician suspects Biden's real condition is being covered up

"The President has not experienced any residual symptoms which may be considered to be 'Long COVID,'" the doctor wrote.

Interestingly, little mention was made of the president’s cognitive abilities, speculation about which has dogged Biden since before he took office. 

Among the skeptics is former White House physician and current Texas Republican Rep. Ronnie Jackson, who told Fox News that the true state of the president’s health is being covered up.

"The majority of Americans can see that Biden's mental health is in total decline, yet there is no transparency from the White House on what’s going on, if anything, to address this issue and his inability to do his job," Jackson complained. 

Nikki Haley says politicians over 75 should pass a cognitive exam

"Yesterday's written physical exam report released by Biden’s physician, Kevin O'Connor, further confirms that this administration is still adamant about concealing the truth," he continued. 

"Nowhere in the report was there mention of Biden’s deteriorating mental health," the Republican lawmaker pointed out. 

"This is alarming, considering I have already sent three letters to the White House demanding that Biden receive a cognitive test and that the results be made public, all of which have been ignored,” Jackson stressed, insisting, “Everyone can see something is wrong — the cover-up needs to end."

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley made headlines last week when she argued that all politicians over the age of 75 should be required to take a cognitive fitness test.

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