Wife of Beach Boys founding member Brian Wilson dies

 February 1, 2024

Fans of Beach Boys founding member Brian Wilson were left saddened this week to learn that the musician's wife had died. 

According to Rolling Stone, Melinda Wilson passed away on Tuesday at the age of 77. The cause of her death has yet to be revealed.

Melinda helped rescue Brian from rogue psychologist

Rolling Stone noted that Melinda first encountered her future husband in 1986 when she was working at a Cadillac dealership and he was under the sway of psychologist Dr. Eugene Landy.

"He was called into help and I think originally he did help," the magazine quoted Mrs. Wilson as saying of Landy's relationship with her husband during a 2004 interview with Larry King.

"He helped Brian lose weight. He helped Brian care about himself physically again," she acknowledged before adding, "As time went on, he became very captive of Brian. Brian was primarily a prisoner."

Rolling Stone explained that Melinda helped Brian sever his legal ties with Landy as well as begin to tour and record music again.

What's more, she also spoke with the Chicago Tribune in 1998 about helping her husband deal with the pain of his abusive childhood.

Brian Wilson: "Our five children and I are just in tears"

Wilson announced his wife's passing in a statement on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter, saying, "My heart is broken."

"Our five children and I are just in tears. We are lost. Melinda was more than my wife. She was my savior. She gave me the emotional security I needed to have a career," Mr. Wilson declared.

"She encouraged me to make the music that was closest to my heart. She was my anchor. She was everything for us," he stressed while imploring fans to "say a prayer for her."

Children say they "miss her but cherish everything she has taught us"

What's more, Rolling Stone noted that Mrs. Wilson's five adopted children put out a statement of their own regarding her death.

"She was not only a model, our father’s savior, and a mother, she was a woman empowered by her spirit with a mission to better everyone she touched," the children's statement declared.

"We will miss her but cherish everything she has taught us. How to take care of the person next to you with out expecting anything in return, how to find beauty in the darkest of places, and how to live life as your truest self with honesty and pride," they added.

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