Wisconsin Supreme Court will take up governor's lawsuit against the GOP

 February 4, 2024

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has decided to take up a case that could have massive implications Republicans in the state. 

According to The Hill, Gov. Tony Evers (D) filed a lawsuit against the state's Republican-controlled state Legislature, accusing it of obstructing basic government functions.

Lucky for Evers, the state's high court is dominated by liberal justices, who were all too quick to agree to hear the case.

The three conservative justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court dissented.

What's happening?

While Evers listed multiple items in his lawsuit against state Republicans, the state's high court only agreed -- at this time -- to hear one of the issues he listed.

Evers accused the Republican-controlled state Legislature of "obstructing basic government functions" through veto power. One of those issues revolves around the blocking of funding from reaching state conservation programs.

The Hill noted:

One of the legislative vetoes blocked conservation projects selected by the Department of Natural Resources. Evers also challenged a veto that blocked already approved pay raises for 35,000 University of Wisconsin system employees, but after he filed the lawsuit, Republicans and the university system reached an agreement approving raises if the school cuts back on diversity initiatives.

Wisconsin Republicans also reportedly blocked "updating rules for the state’s commercial building standards and ethics standards for social workers, marriage, family therapists and professional counselors."

Notably, Evers, who has been at odds with Wisconsin Republicans since being elected, has issued more vetoes than any of his predecessors.

Social media reacts

Users across social media weighed in on the governor's lawsuit and what it could mean for residents of the state. Some also touched on the congressional maps concerns, which isn't being heard by the state's high court at this point.

"I’m curious. Who controls the purse in WI, the SC or the legislator? Also, the WI constitution gives the power of the maps solely to the legislature, yet the newly empowered liberal court is now trying to usurp that responsibility. How does that work?" one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "wait.. hold on...the legislature that makes laws...NOT the governor OR the court.. what am i missing here."

Only time will tell if the Wisconsin governor snags a victory. Many believe that given the liberal makeup of the state's high court, he has a solid chance of winning this one.

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