Hunter Biden's request to postpone gun charges trial denied by appeals court

 May 23, 2024

Former President Donald Trump isn't the only high-profile person facing upcoming trials. 

Hunter Biden will soon begin his trial regarding gun charges he was hit with earlier this year. An attempt by his attorneys to postpone the trial has been rejected by the court.

According to NBC News, Biden and his lawyers requested that his upcoming gun charges trial, which will take place in Delaware, be postponed until later in the year. The trial is set to begin June 3, and an appeals court solidified that this week.

Biden's request to postpone the trial was denied by a three-judge panel of the 3rd U.S. Court of Appeals this week, setting the scene for a round of bad optics for the White House.

What's happening?

Biden and his lawyers haven't had much luck with that particular appeals court, as the panel previously turned down several bids to overturn "the trial judge’s rejection of several motions to toss out the case."

NBC News noted:

An attorney for the president’s son filed the motion seeking a delay Monday. The attorney, Abbe Lowell, had argued that there is “no urgency in having an immediate trial” as a district court presses ahead with the June 3 trial in Wilmington.

Special counsel David Weiss brought the charges against the president's son after he was appointed to his position last year. Weiss was appointed U.S. attorney for Delaware by President Trump during his term.

Hunter Biden currently faces three gun possession-related charges. Separately, he faces tax-related charges in the state of California. That trial is set to begin sometime in September after a request to postpone the trial from its June 20 date was granted.

The president's son pleaded not guilty to the gun charges, but did plead guilty to the tax charges.

Social media reacts

Some social media users suggested that President Joe Biden chose his debate dates to coincide with his son's trial in an attempt to bury the inevitable bad headlines that will come out of it. Others say Biden's luck is simply running out.

"The Biden privilege is wearing off. It’s almost embarrassing from the amount of times Hunter Biden has tried to delay his trials. He can’t keep running from the law," one X user wrote

Another X user wrote, "We desire equal justice under the law. Will we ever have it in America? That is the true question. If this was Donald Trump Junior or Ivanka Trump, they would already be in prison."

Only time will tell how much trouble Hunter Biden's trial will be for his father's reelection campaign.

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