Obama makes cameo at White House state dinner, Biden snaps at reporters

 May 25, 2024

A recent White House state dinner was held in part to host Kenyan President William Ruto in an effort to strengthen U.S. ties with the African nation.

However, President Joe Biden made headlines for other reasons, including his usual quota of gaffes and sustained confusion. According to the New York Post, he even made a bizarre crack about the White House Press Corps, complaining that they weren't upholding the "deal."

Perhaps most notable was former President Barack Obama's cameo at the state dinner. Obama's father was Kenyan.

The former president's name had not been on the list of guests that was circulated prior to the event.

What happened?

President Biden made a major announcement in that he vowed to work with Congress to make Kenya the first "major non-NATO ally" (MNNA) in sub-Saharan Africa.

“Our joint counterterrorism operations have degraded ISIS [ISIL] and al-Shabab across East Africa, our mutual support for Ukraine has rallied the world to stand behind the UN Charter, and our work together on Haiti is helping pave the way to reduce instability and insecurity," Biden said at a news conference before the dinner.

It was noted that the title is "largely symbolic." It was also reported that the U.S. has "named 18 countries as non-NATO allies, including Israel, Brazil and the Philippines."

President Ruto also issued a statement regarding the strengthened relationship with the United States.

"During our discussions, I witnessed firsthand President Biden’s and the US government’s determination to make our partnership work," Ruto told reporters.

He added, "As my visit comes to a close, I am confident that our engagements have laid a solid foundation for us to continue the good work we have begun with stronger faith and greater hope for success because in Joe Biden, Kenya and Africa have a strong and committed friend."

They broke the "deal"

In addition to once again calling Vice President Kamala Harris the "president," Biden also took a shot at the White House reporters in the room for apparently breaking some sort of "deal."

The president was apparently asked one too many questions, or at least not the scripted ones that he had prepared answers for. One reporter asked him about recent developments with the ICC.

"Look, we made my position known on ICC. You guys never keep the deal — but that’s OK," Biden snapped back.

This is the same guy who thinks he'll be able to last five minutes in a debate with Donald Trump.

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