SCOTUS declines to take up challenge to Maryland's 'assault weapons' ban

 May 21, 2024

In recent years, several Democrat-led blue states have enacted unconstitutional gun laws that prevent the buying, selling, and/or owning of what firearms ignorant anti-gun Democrats label "assault weapons." 

Maryland was one of those states, and like in the other states where such bans have been enacted, the issue quickly made its way to the court system.

According to NBC News, this week the U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up a case that challenges the Maryland "assault weapons" ban.

Ever since the high court's 2022 decision that weighed in favor of law-abiding gun owners, several states have taken action to ban certain firearms, and those bans have been challenged at every turn.

What's going on?

In Maryland's case, the assault weapons ban has been in place since 2013 in the wake of the deadly Sandy Hook mass shooting.

The case has been challenged before, but the law was ultimately upheld by the Richmond, Virginia-based 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, which iced the issue for some time.

The challenge was brought back by a new group of plaintiffs in the wake of the 2022 SCOTUS gun rights ruling. The high court told the appeals court to reexamine the challenge.

Not surprisingly, the appeals court has not issued a decision on the matter, despite having nearly two years to make one. That sparked the new group of plaintiffs to take the issue to the Supreme Court.

While it was noted that the Supreme Court rarely takes up such appeals, there's a similar challenge to an "assault weapons" ban out of Illinois that many believe will soon make its way to the high court, opening the door for a possible ruling that could have implications for similar laws in other states.

Social media reacts

Given the nature of the issue, with gun rights a perpetual hot topic, social media users were not happy with SCOTUS declining to take the Maryland case.

"This is the gun grabbers game. They know SCOTUS won’t take up every 2A case. So they ignore Bruen and Heller and count on activist circuit courts to carry their water or at the least delay freedoms for years…" one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Bruen has been overturned by lower courts. Not the way the system is supposed to work, but when you have cowards on the court to afraid to enforce their own decisions, this is what you get."

With any luck, the high court will ultimately take the Illinois case and rule in favor of law-abiding gun owners, anything less would be a disgrace to the U.S. Constitution.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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