Biden campaign launches $50 million ad blitz focusing on Trump's conviction

 June 19, 2024

President Joe Biden and his 2024 campaign have virtually nothing to go on other than launch continued attacks on former President Donald Trump and his legal issues. 

Instead of substance, accomplishments or anything that directly effects millions of working-class voters, Biden and his team have decided to focus all of their energy on Trump.

According to USA Today, that was evidenced once again with the Biden campaign's latest move, which included a $50 million media campaign that dials in on Trump being a "convicted felon."

The marketing strategy is the first one for the Biden campaign focusing only on Trump's criminal record with the presumably hopes of convincing voters that they shouldn't support him.

What's going on?

The 30-second ad spot will reportedly run in a number of swing states -- most of which Biden is losing to Trump -- in an effort to bring more attention to his legal problems.

The ad attempts to draw a contrast between Trump and Biden, claiming that while Trump has been battling in a courtroom, Biden has been "working."

"In the courtroom, we see Donald Trump for who he is: He's been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, and he committed financial fraud," a narrator says in the ad, which shows clips of Trump in court. "Meanwhile, Joe Biden's been working."

"This election is between a convicted criminal who's only out for himself and a president who's fighting for your family," the ad continues.

Notably, Biden's ad launched just 10 days before the first presidential debate, which many believe he will not survive against Trump.

Backfire possible

There's a strong possibility that the ad backfires for the Biden campaign, as it only fuels anger from millions of Americans who believe Trump was unfairly targeted in his legal troubles based on his status as the Republican nominee.

Multiple polls have shown that millions of voters believe Trump was part of a criminal witch hunt.

"Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats' weaponized the justice system against President Trump and this new ad once again proves the sham trial was always meant to be election interference, but Americans see through it," said Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt.

Clearly, the Biden campaign is struggling, and only time will tell if their ad blitz has any real effect.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson