Bill and Hillary Clinton spotted on commercial flight to Wyoming

 July 7, 2024

Former President Bill Clinton and multiple-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were spotted on a commercial airline flight, prompting a report by an RFK Jr. campaign consultant. 

According to reports, the former president and secretary of state were engaging with people on the flight who wanted pictures, and the consultant, Link Lauren, who's popular on TikTok, provided his breakdown on what he saw.

It was reported that neither of the Clintons were flying for work purposes, though it wasn't clear why they were flying commercial for whatever reason.

The Clintons were reportedly flying from Newark (EWR) to Jackson Hole (JAC), Wyoming on UA 1547, which sounds like a vacation flight.

What happened?

Lauren reportedly made a number of "bad jokes" about the Clintons in his report, but conceded that they seemed friendly and engaged.

"All jokes aside and no matter how you feel politically, Bill Clinton has this old school, politician charisma that can't be taught, can't be duplicated. He was very nice to take pictures with people," Lauren said.

He added, "Hillary, during the flight, people would come up to chat with her, she would smile, seem engaged, so I can’t knock them on that front.”

“Bill loves to take pictures, he up in the galley chatting with the flight attendants.”

Many of the commenters on Lauren's video asked why they were flying commercial and whether or not Secret Service agents were with them.

The report noted:

Lauren said the Clintons were traveling with Secret Service. He saw three agents back in coach wearing ear pieces and had on a Secret Service pin. Secret Service also had the entire row behind the Clintons, there was Secret Service in the row next to them and he had an assistant near him helping him change the channels.

Social media reacts

Many people across social media had their own comments for Lauren and the situation.

"Love the play by play. It’s good to see we can still laugh at our political mess," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "I wonder if this situation reflects some sort of urgency, potentially meeting people in person to discuss the Biden situation?"

Who knows why they were flying, but if it has anything to do with the situation with President Joe Biden, we'll probably know in the coming days.

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Thomas Jefferson