Senator Bob Menendez's fate now in hands of Manhattan jury

 July 13, 2024

It took over nine weeks and over 1,000,000 words in a courtroom, but the case of Senator Bob Menendez has finally begun deliberating.

The fate of the Democratic Senator Bob Menendez's corruption trial is now in the hands of an impartial jury.

After a yearslong investigation by federal authorities that resulted in Bob Menendez being slapped with corruption charges, it's now up to a select group of Americans to determine the Senator's fate.

The result could go one of two ways.

Depending on the result of the trial, America will either see a corrupt member of the ruling class brought to justice, or this will be deemed a major waste of time and taxpayer dollars.

Bob Menendez has carried tremendous power throughout his entire political career that's spanned half of a century. Whether it's been on the local, state, or federal level, Bob Menendez has seen it all and done it all.

Menendez is now age 70, so a guilty verdict on charges as serious as this mean that Bob Menendez could realistically be spending the rest of his life behind bars. Bob is surely hoping that this trial has a similar result to his 2017 trial, which ended in a hung jury.

First day of deliberations

July 13 was the first day that the jury took to deliberate about the fate of Menendez, and as of the time of writing, no decision had been reached. This doesn't mean that a guilty conviction won't happen though, it's simply a very important and complicated case.

Accusing a public servant of political corruption is one thing, actually convicting them on the issue is a whole different ballgame. Many people are sure it should happen though, as the evidence against both Menendez and his wife seems to be overwhelming.

The accusations

Bob Menendez is accused of doing just about the worst thing a politician could be accused of doing in America: putting his own desires AND other governments above the citizens of the United States of America. detailed some of the sickening allegations against the Senator:

Over a nine-week trial, federal prosecutors in New York have sought to convince the jury that the New Jersey Democrat and his wife accepted gold, cash and a Mercedes-Benz convertible from three businessmen from 2018 to 2023 in exchange for Menendez carrying out a variety of corrupt acts.

They say some bribes were for taking actions benefiting the government of Egypt, including speeding the delivery of U.S. military aid. Prosecutors also say Menendez, 70, tried to interfere with multiple criminal investigations and helped a businessman protect a monopoly awarded by the Egyptian government pertaining to the certification of U.S. meat exports to Egypt.

Menendez’s lawyers have argued that the senator did nothing wrong in his dealings with the businessmen and that nearly $150,000 in gold bars and over $480,000 in cash found at the couple’s Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, home in a 2022 FBI raid were not bribe proceeds.

We really are living through one of the wildest times in American history. On the same day that the jury started deliberating on this corruption trial, Donald J. Trump was shot while at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

This country certainly doesn't carry the pride that it used to, and it starts with our federal government. With people like Bob Menendez, President Joe Biden, and the rest of America's liberal elite calling the shots, it's no wonder normal people are fed up with how they are feeling these days.

Perhaps in November 2024, we can make a decision to turn this country around.

Let's make our voices heard at the ballot box this fall!

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson