Top Democrats pushing Biden to drop of out 2024 race

 July 19, 2024

Conservatives have been calling for Joe Biden to step down for a while now. We must have been on to something, because Democrats are starting to echo our cries as well. is reporting that after Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance at the end of June, multiple Democrats have had conversations telling Joe Biden that he's going to cost the left the presidency or even control of Congress if he doesn't step down.

Some of the Democrats named in these recent reports as being critical of Joe Biden are former allies Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Hakeem Jeffries.

Barack Obama is reporting that none other than former President Barack Obama might be leading the charge to have Joe Biden step down. Even if Barack Obama isn't the one being most vocal about the situation, he's probably the person with the most influence over the conversation.

The Blaze is claiming that Obama has told other Democrats that he alone is the only Democrat who has the charisma and power over Joe Biden to convince him to drop out. Obama is reportedly very concerned that donors are going to stop taking the party seriously if they do not find a better leader to steer the ship.

Joe Biden is reportedly only pulling in about 25% of the amount of donations that liberals have been expecting him to get out on the campaign trail.

According to The Blaze, "Obama reportedly is concerned about Biden's legacy as well as the legitimate threat of Republicans taking control of the White House and both chambers of Congress next year."

Axios is claiming that two sources have told them that "Obama has told allies that Biden 'needs to consider the viability of his campaign.'"

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

While old Chuck Schumer probably doesn't have quite the level of pull that Barry Obama does in America's liberal party these days, there's no arguing that he's still a pretty important guy.

ABC is reporting that Chuck Schumer has already had a "blunt one-on-one conversation" with Joe Biden about the future of his presidential campaign.

Liberals have certainly painted themselves into a corner. They've spent YEARS telling America that Joe Biden was fit to serve, and now it's clear they've been lying the entire time.

Joe Biden is headed toward disaster this November.

Do you think that he will be replaced before Election Day? Or will liberals let Joe Biden get slaughtered at the ballot box?

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson