Hunter Biden lawyers warned by judge

 July 25, 2024

The judge in Hunter Biden's tax evasion case has threatened to sanction his lawyers for lying to the court. 

The judge's warning is sure to upset Biden's father, who has struggled to cope with Hunter's legal travails.

U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi rebuked Hunter Biden's lawyers for misrepresenting the facts in their request to have the charges tossed.

Hunter Biden lawyers warned

Biden's lawyers cited the shock ruling from Judge Aileen Cannon to throw out Donald Trump's classified documents case.

Cannon ruled that Special Counsel Jack Smith is a "private citizen exercising the full power of a United States Attorney" and that his appointment "effectively usurps" the authority of Congress.

Attorney general Merrick Garland appointed both Smith and David Weiss, the prosecutor in Biden's case. But Scarsi said there are important differences between the cases and Biden's lawyers know better than to lie about them.

While Smith is a private citizen, Weiss was a Senate-confirmed U.S. attorney when Garland tapped him.

“But Mr. Biden’s motion does not engage with this distinction; instead, counsel avoids the issue by misrepresenting the history of the proceedings,” Scarsi wrote. “This court has little tolerance for lack of candor from counsel.”

Weiss had investigated Hunter Biden for years without charging him, which led to accusations of stonewalling. Last year, Weiss separately charged Hunter with lying on a gun form and cheating on over $1 million in foreign income from his infamous business deals.

Biden's lawyers claim Weiss brought no charges until after becoming Special Counsel. But Scarsi noted that is untrue, as Weiss initially charged Biden with misdemeanor tax offenses as a U.S. attorney.

Father and son

Biden's lawyers insist they have a point, saying Weiss, a Delaware prosecutor, could not bring charges in California where the tax case is located. The tax trial is in September.

Biden's lawyers want the tax case and a separate gun case dismissed on the grounds that Weiss' Special Counsel appointment is improper. Biden was convicted in June on the gun charges.

Hunter Biden has remained close with his father as he faces the dramatic end of his political career, which imploded during a 90-minute debate that led longtime allies to abandon him.

Hunter Biden was seen in the Oval Office Wednesday night as the president spoke to the nation about his decision to forgo another term.

The president's stunning decision appears to leave a pardon for Hunter very much in doubt.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson