Report exposes the corruption behind Kamala Harris' political career

 July 27, 2024

The Federalist has published a report exposing the corruption behind Vice President Kamala Harris' political career. 

The report, The Media Won't Tell You Political Corruption Defined Kamala Harris' Affair With Willie Brown, was written by Mark Hemingway.

This comes after President Joe Biden dropped out of the running for the U.S. presidency and after Democratic Party leaders have chosen Harris to replace Biden on the party's ticket.

The Federalist's report also comes after several mainstream media outlets - including the New York Times - have begun running cover for Harris, trying to hide from American voters facts about Harris' career in politics.

"Tackling the Falsehoods"

A prime example of the mainstream media running cover for Harris is a piece that was published this past week by the Times. It is called, Tacking the Falsehoods About Kamala Harris. 

The only problem is that, as the Federalist points out, some of these "falsehoods" are not really false.

The Times, for example, reports:

Harris has long been subject to exaggerated or unfounded claims that her past romantic partners enabled her political ascent . . . The sexist insinuations point in part to her brief relationship in the 1990s with Willie Brown, who was 60 and the speaker of the California Assembly when Harris was 29 and rising in the Bay Area legal scene. He appointed Harris to two well-paid state board positions and introduced her to his political connections.

The Times then goes on to claim that Harris said "that there was nothing improper about benefiting from her ties to Brown, although she described the relationship as an 'albatross hanging around my neck.'"

The Times quotes Harris as saying that she is "independent of [Brown]" and that she does "not owe him a thing."

But, is the claim really false?

If you have been reading closely, then you may have noticed that the Times does not exactly disprove the idea that Brown furthered Harris's political career. In fact, as the Federalist points out, the Times seems to confirm the idea.

The Federalist reports:

Just so we’re clear, The New York Times is confirming Harris did in fact have a relationship with Willie Brown, who was 31 years older (and, for what it’s worth, still married at the time). Harris herself admits her career benefited significantly from said relationship. Other Democrats shared the perception she did not earn her positions. And Harris, a lawyer who initially failed the bar exam, can only say that she “brought a level of life knowledge and common sense” rather than actual qualifications to the jobs Brown appointed her to.

The Federalist then goes on to point out the fact that there is a lot more to the story, regarding Harris' relationship with Brown.

"Brown, who was repeatedly investigated by the FBI for corruption, was far more involved in Harris’ career ascent than appointing her to two board positions," the outlet reports.

The Federalist, in the remainder of its report, provides more details about the allegations of corruption surrounding Brown. If you are unfamiliar with this information, the Federalist's report is certainly worth a read.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson